5 ways to make money from youtube in 2024


Hello friends, today I have come up with five YouTube methods for you, which if you work with heart, you can generate a good amount of income from YouTube. I am going to tell you all five ways that you can start earning online from YouTube for free by working on it. can meet their expenses to make money from youtube

make money from youtube
make money from youtube

 So if you also want to know about these five online earning methods that are to earn money on YouTube, then you must read this article till the end. The line will earn in five different ways

Can You Make Money on YouTube? 

Of course, you can make money from YouTube for free. Still, it requires a lot of things you have to do to monetize your channel and earn money in other ways so if you think that you will just create a channel and your channel will be monetized. You will start earning, then this is a big mistake on your part, nothing like this will happen, you have to put in a lot of effort first on YouTube and then go to YouTube.

Your channel is monetized and you start earning money, so if you also want to earn money, then in this article I have explained in detail about five ways by which you can earn online on YouTube. Without any investment

1. YouTube Partner Program 

The number one method we will be talking about is the YouTube Partner Program. In this method, you now create a YouTube channel and upload videos to it, and when the views start on your videos, you get paid for your channel. But 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time have to be met.

As soon as you meet these criteria you are ready to become a YouTube partner and you apply for the YouTube Partner Program in simple words. So you apply your channel for monetization with Google Adsense Now What is Google Adsense Google Adsense is an ad company that runs ads on your videos that earns you, when a person on your channel 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time are completed and you apply for AdSense, then if your channel is monetized, AdSense runs ads on your channel, which earns you, this is the first method. With which you can earn online on YouTube without any investment

How to join the YouTube Partner Program? 

So if you want to apply for the YouTube Partner Program and join it then you have to follow these steps and these are requirements if you meet these requirements then you can apply for the YouTube Partner Program are

  1. Enable 2-Step Verification for your Google Account 
  2. Make sure you comply with YouTube’s Channel Monetization Policies 
  3. Live in a country or region where the Program is available
  4. Have a clean slate with no community guideline strikes against your channel
  5. Have 4000 public watch hours or more in the last 12 months
  6. Have 1000 subscribers or more
  7. Link your Google AdSense account to your channel 
  8. Get reviewed by YouTube 

2. Become an affiliate partner

The method we are going to talk about number two is the affiliate program. In simple words, this means that if you have a grown YouTube channel, if you have amassed an audience on a YouTube channel that trusts you, you can earn online by selling products online to these people

 In affiliate marketing, you take the affiliate link of the products from a third-party website like Amazon and Draz, etc., and promote it through videos on your YouTube channel so that people who watch your link. Click and purchase this product and as soon as they click on this product, the commission of this product is transferred to your account. If you want to earn money in this way then this method is very useful and many people are making money in this way this method will be paste for you. if you want to read more about Make Money From Amazon Affiliate Program

3. Create sponsored content

make money from youtube
make money from youtube

The method we are going to talk about at number three is creating a sponsored video. This means that when you upload your videos etc. to your YouTube channel, those videos go viral and get a lot of traffic on your channel. Once you manage to grow your channel, some companies and brands approach you and pay you to make a video of their product or anything and upload it on your channel.

 In sponsored video, you promote the product of any company or brand so that people who see you will buy that company or their product, so upload this sponsored video on your channel. If you get good money from these companies or brands, then this is a third way to earn money. You can also look at these methods, you will find them very good

4. Live streaming 

The method we are going to talk about at number four is live streaming. In this method, you don’t upload videos, etc. to your channel, but you sit directly live on YouTube, through which your audience watches your upload and you do super chats, etc.

In super chat, they do super chat to ask you any question or anything of their heart through which they can send you any money of your choice if you have Loya lore up. There are many people who love you and you have built a very good community on YouTube so they send you a lot of money through super chat and you earn online in this way if you have a gaming channel. So it will be the best for live streaming or if you have a podcast challenge channel, then it will be the best for live streaming.

5. Offer memberships

Membership model is another way to make money from YouTube. In this method, you can sell a membership to your viewers for a small amount of money, through which they can pay you a small amount to purchase the membership. I will find them explosive content and bricks

 Patreon is a third-party website for membership but YouTube is great for membership YouTube offers its own program for membership but for that, you have to join the YouTube Order program when you join the program on YouTube. So you can sell the membership as the last way to earn money from YouTube if you like any of these five methods then let me know in the comment section below I will keep bringing you such good articles. On the same website


So YouTube is a very good platform from which you can earn online, I have told you in this article five ways by which you can earn money online from YouTube if you follow these five methods. If you like any of the methods, then you must tell in the comment section below and if you do not understand any point, then still express your opinion in the comment section below and write your problem in the comment section. I definitely reply to the comments and am sitting to find a solution to your problem

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